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2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog | 20253

Understanding University Credit

Semester Credits

The unit of credit is the semester credit, 代表在本学期每周不少于50分钟的课堂时间内满意地完成一门学科, 或本学期每周两次(100分钟)的实验工作, or the equivalent.

转学的学生可以获得学分 .67个学期学分对应每季度学分.

Time expections:

Instruction Delivery

Hours of in class
"Seat Time"
per credit

Expected hours of
course work outside
of class per credit
 Lecture 1 hour/credit/week
for 15 weeks

2 hours/credit/week
for 15 weeks

 Lab 2 hours/credit/week
for 15 weeks
1 hours/credit/week
for 15 weeks
3 hours/credit/week
for 15 weeks

As required

 Online   3 hours/credit/week
for 15 weeks

混合课程和精简课程需要做适当的调整. See Minnesota State Policies/Procedure 3.36/3.36.1

Class Level


                    1-29  Freshman

                    30-59  Sophomore

                    60-89  Junior

                    90 & above  Senior                    

Maximum Credit Load

在校或校外学生的正常学期负荷是十六(16)个学分. Students who have less than an overall GPA of 3.未经指导老师批准,不得注册超过十八(18)个学期学分. 应在开课前获得批准. 学生必须向学生计划和招生(SPA)委员会申请允许在一个学期注册超过22个学分.

正常的夏季学期负荷是从八(8)到十六(16)学期学分. 夏季全日制学生的最低学分为十二(12)学分.

Residence Credit

住宿学分是在贝米吉州立大学校园内获得的学期学分, through External Studies, 或者在符合大学扩展学分要求的校外中心.

Students earning a B.A., B.F.A., B.S., or B.A.S. 学位必须在大三和大四期间获得至少三十(30)个学期的居住学分. 至少四十(40)个学期的学分,在3000级或以上的高级机构是必需的. 获得两年制学位的学生应获得至少二十(20)个学期的住宿学分.

0800-0999 Credits

0800-0899课程的学分不能用于满足毕业要求. 北济州立大学编号为0900-0999的课程,最多可以用四(4)个学分来满足毕业要求. 所有0800-0899和0900-0999学分出现在学生成绩单上, and are included in the cumulative GPA.

Extended Learning


Correspondence Credits


Non-Collegiate and Experiential Learning

Extended Learning, 105 Deputy Hall

在正式学术机构之前或之外进行的非学院和体验式学习的评估计划使学生能够丰富或加速他们的学习计划. 这样的学习可能是各种生活经历的结果, such as continuing education, work experience, or individual study. 体验式大学学分并不仅仅基于经验而授予, 而是为了达到高级水平的知识和/或技能.

确定认可或大学学分的方法是基于先前的学习,被认为是在大学水平. Each department determines the criteria, if any, which if satisfied, will result in the awarding of university credit. 系有决定哪些课程的特权, if any, 可以评估非大学或体验式学习.

Standardized Proficiency Examinations

Office of Admissions, 102 Deputy Hall

Standardized proficiency examinations are recognized by many of the departments and include the College Board Advanced Placement Examinations (AP); the College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) subject examinations; the Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support (DANTES) subject standardized tests; the International Baccalaureate (IB) higher level selected subsidiary level results and the diploma; the College Board Scholastic Aptitude Achievement Test; and various military service school transcripts (DD-214 Forms). 该考试不允许重修课程或提高成绩.

Credit by Special Examination

要求参加特殊考试必须向课程讲师提出. 参加特殊考试的机会仅限于申请住宿学分的学生. 这种考试不得提高或重复成绩. “要求参加特殊考试”表格可从记录和注册办公室(101副大厅)获得, 218-755-2020,

Transfer of Credits to Other Institutions


因为大学不能证明在其他机构获得的学分, 除北京国立大学的成绩单外,其他成绩单将不予签发.